Gurudongmar: A dream to realise.

Gurudongmar: A dream to realise.

“There is a dream in my eyes. A dream which I have realized once. But the reality says ‘I can’t just have it once’.”

My dream place is Gurudongmar Lake in Sikkim situated at a height of 17,800 fts . Why is it a dream place will be your question. The terrain is difficult, arid zone gives you breathtaking views and when you reach the lake: It is none less than a paradise on earth. It has a stunning landscape with snow-capped mountains all around and a very low oxygen level. Despite all our armymen-the real heroes are deputed there day and night for 12 months where it is difficult for people like us to stand for a few minutes, where temperature in summers drops till -11 and winters ae way beyond our imagination.

Dream Take 1:

It was 2002 I visited Sikkim with my family. We boarded our train from Allahabad to New Jalpaiguri, and was delayed by 9 hours that forced us to take a halt at NJP. Another shock was a strike of buses and cabs, added another 12 hours to our overall delay. So out of our 4 days in norther Sikkim, 2 were already wasted so we had to dedicate the trip to the places around Gangtok and west Sikkim such as Nathu La Pass, Tsongo Lake, Darjeeling etc.

Almost there: Dream Take 2:

Fine in 2004, we were again in Sikkim to realise our dream of witnesing Gurudongmar, and yes this time we were on the shores of this beauty but the weather was so windy and chilly that as a kid I couldn’t even stand there for 10 minutes. I do have pictures of mine there but in a sick mode. That was the moment it stole my heart, my body was sunk into the depth of the freezing cold lake.

(Mom trying to take a pic with a sick kid)

Standing right infront of Gurudongmar Lake; the dream stayed unrealized.

Dream take 3:

Now after 12 years, We planned a trip to Sikkim (me and my husband planned), so we booked our train tickets well in time (4 months prior) but unfortunately, we could not get confirmed seats. Desperately we wanted to reach Sikkim, so we booked last minute flight tickets after paying a huge chunk to reach Sikkim.

With utmost excitement and thrill, we embarked our journey to North Sikkim. Every sight on the way was so alluring and every view was fascinating. We could spot more than 100 waterfalls within a stretch of 50 km, feel the chilly winds thrashing our window panes and suddenly a sound of screeching breaks, what for? Naga waterfalls which are supposed to be the largest in the area washed away the bridge connecting North Sikkim to rest of the part. With heavy heart, we had to take a U-turn and visit places in and around Gangtok.

After my 3 visits, all I can say is Gurudongmar is not just a pristine azure lake but a place that anyone can dream of. And, its completely up to mother nature to call tourists. I will definitely visit this place again to fetch a part of my heart that I have left on that rocky terrain, in those high mountains and in the serenity of the lake.

It’s tough to make your dream come true, but its never impossible!

PC: Travellenz

About Author: Aastha

A Company Secretary by qualification and a traveler by passion. An urge to see new places and meet diverse people stimulates me to travel more because life is not meant to be lived in one place.

2 comments on “Gurudongmar: A dream to realise.”

  1. Garima Pahauri Pachauri

    Wish to visit this beautiful place soon!

  2. Ganesh Chaudhary

    Really it is heaven on earth.

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